Lamby Wool Dryerballs

Wool Dryerballs

Set of 4 wool dryerballs in vintage looking tin
Lamby Wool Dryerballs
Hand placing Wool Dryerball into dryer with towels
Lamby Wool Dryerballs
Baby Laundry detergent, Wool Dryerballs and Lavender Scented Wool Dryerball on a counter
Lamby Wool Dryerballs
Laundry products and flowers on a counter
Lamby Wool Dryerballs
Four wool dryerballs in adorable dryer shaped tin
Set of 4 wool dryerballs in vintage looking tin
Lamby Wool Dryerballs
Hand placing Wool Dryerball into dryer with towels
Lamby Wool Dryerballs
Baby Laundry detergent, Wool Dryerballs and Lavender Scented Wool Dryerball on a counter
Lamby Wool Dryerballs
Laundry products and flowers on a counter
Lamby Wool Dryerballs
Lamby Wool Dryerballs
Four wool dryerballs in adorable dryer shaped tin

Lamby Wool Dryerballs

Wool Dryerballs

Sale Save Save $38.00
Use in place of dryer sheets and fabric softeners. Toss all 4 Dryerballs into your dryer and dry accordingly.