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Cleaning with Ease – A Weekly Cleaning Schedule

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By spending just 15 minutes a day, you can have a presentable house pretty much all the time! It’s almost like your home will clean itself. We’ve created a weekly cleaning schedule that will help you out majorly, but first we’ve got a few rules to make it work…

Good Enough is Great

Don’t be too thorough. Aim to keep each task to just 15 minutes. Do what you can in that amount of time. It doesn’t have to be perfect; you’ll get to it again next week! Just get it done.

Keep Supplies Nearby

We’ve talked about this on our blog before. The trick to a quick clean is having things nearby and in-reach. If it takes you 5 minutes to gather up all your cleaning supplies, you’re wasting time you could be using to actually clean! Keep rags and cleaning products in each bathroom so you can easily grab and clean, and house kitchen cleaning supplies under the sink. Use an inexpensive caddy to keep it all neat and tidy.

Plan Strategically

In addition to smartly storing products where you use them, save time by thinking about how you use them. For example, if you whip out the WOW Mop to clean the floors in the bathroom, make that the day you mop all the bathroom floors.

Keep Yourself Accountable

Make a lamenated list and cross of items, use a tracking app, or simply create a list on your phone. However you do it, just make sure you know exactly what you need to do every day, and you’ll feel accomplished crossing items off.
Now, here’s our cleaning schedule! Use it as a starting point, and within a week or two you’ll have a good sense of where you’ll need to make tweaks and adjustments.


Vacuum bedroom carpets
Wash bathroom towels
Clean common area floors
Master bathroom
Dust surfaces and clean glass doors
Clean common area floors
Outside pruning, sweeping, etc.
Wipe kitchen chairs
Guest and kids’ bathrooms
Deep clean fridge, sort through fridge
Clean common are floors
Pick up desk, laundry room, mudroom
WOW Mop the kitchen
Strip beds and wash linens
Pick up closets
Rotate toys and books
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5 Clutter Mistakes We All Make and How to Fix Them

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We all make mistakes – it’s just human nature! However, a mistake isn’t valuable unless you learn from it, and we’re here to help you learn from your cluttering habits! Minor gaffes like forgetting to change your car’s oil or common laundry mistakes can add up to a major problem. The same goes for clutter! Some organizing mistakes can be unavoidable in the moment, but acknowledging that these lapses are creating a bigger mess is the first step to finding a simple solution.
Watch for these little clutter mistakes in your life and prepare to be wowed by what a few shifts can do to stop clutter build-up!

Not Folding Clothes

The accumulation of clothes – clean or dirty (or in between – hello bedroom chair!) – outside closets and dressers is a leading cause of bedroom clutter. Sometimes, putting clothes in their correct place or washing them immediately isn’t always possible, but not folding these in-the-open clothes makes the problem look much worse than it is. A pile of clothes on the floor sends a chaotic message, whereas a neatly folded stack in a corner or on a chair says you’re a tidy person… even if you’re actually not. The next step, of course, is to put clothes where they belong right away.

Letting Clean Dishes Sit in the Drying Rack

Anyone without a dishwasher or with a large assortment of hand-wash only dinnerware knows that drying dishes is a pain. Enter the drying mat or rack: a clean place for dishes to air dry, no dishcloths required! Of course, if those clean dishes don’t get put away once they’re dry, there will soon be a clutter problem. Drying every dish may be a tall order, but putting away dry dishes the next morning or before your next meal is an easy, quick fix. Tidy up the rest of your kitchen by keeping your sponge squeezed out of excess water on the side of the sink, and tuck away your favourite Nellie’s One Soap to an easy-reach spot.

Buying Extra Supplies

Planning ahead is usually a clutter-buster, but when it comes to surplus toiletries, cleaning supplies, and more, planning to far ahead can encourage clutter! Having an extra roll of paper towels on hand in case of a big-time spill is smart… having 18 extra rolls is a little excessive and can strain storage space!
Avoid buying more toothpaste, toilet paper, and other household essentials until just a few days before they’re actually needed. If buying in bulk is a necessity, set aside a specified storage spot for overflow.

Allowing Mail to Pile Up

This one goes for magazines, newspapers, and other recyclable paper-based reading materials. Setting aside bills, greeting cards, and other important mail items for the weekend or a slow night is to be expected. However, letting these to-be-dealt-with items pile up for weeks or even months at a time with the promise to read them eventually encourages a mess. Set aside time each week to flip through the mail and cut down on subscriptions that aren’t being read.

Leaving the Shoes Out

Taking off shoes at the door is smart. Leaving a pair at the door for quick trips to the corner store or walk the pup is even smarter. But letting the entirety of your shoe collection pile up in the entryway, garage, mudroom, or kitchen is a habit to kick! Make a household rule that only one or two pairs per person is allowed in the space, and encourage everyone (including yourself!) to take extra pairs to their permanent spaces, even if that’s at the bottom of the closet, at the end of every day.
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5 Things to Clean After the Holidays

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After the craziness of the holidays, it’s nice to spend some time puttering around the house and getting things back in order. Although the two biggest holidays of the year are still just around the corner, we’ve written up this list of the 7 things to clean after the holidays so you can get a head start!

Fridge & Freezer

It’s amazing how much food we can actually pack into the fridge over the holidays! It’s important to try to keep your fridge fairly organized, but over the holidays sometimes you just need to shove something in wherever it’ll fit. Now, you can take the time to go through everything and make sure that nothing is tucked away in the back that you’re missing. While you’re at it, take everything out and give the fridge a good clean. The One Soap is perfect for soaking and scrubbing drawers and storage containers, while the All Purpose Cleaner is ideal for spraying and wiping down with a cloth or paper towel. Toss out any old or expired food and draw up a meal plan to use up any leftover food.


There are always at least a handful of carpet stains that magically appear after the holidays! You obviously want to treat any stains as soon as possible, but sometimes you simply don’t notice them or don’t have time. You can create a strong, toxin-free carpet cleaner using the Oxygen Brightener! Here's how:
Create solution using 1 tablespoon per 16 oz (500 ml) of water. Soak up excess liquid before applying solution to stain. Use only enough to cover stain area, wait 1-5 minutes, soak up with white towel. Repeat if necessary. Ringer thoroughly with water and blot dry. Vacuum once dry.
Have a stubborn stain? Take the WOW Mop to it. The oscillating pads lift up stains with ease.


Like the carpets, upholstery can take a beating during the holidays from all the use and abuse. The earlier you treat the stains the better – don’t leave these ones too long! Depending on the material, you can use the WOW Stick, the Oxygen Brightener, or – if nothing will work – take them to your local dry-cleaners.

Vacuum & Mop

The vacuum is one of those hard-working appliances that we often forget to clean. Especially after sucking up all those pine needles! Be sure to give your vacuum some TLC before taking it for a spin around the house. When it comes to hardwood, laminate, or tile, use the WOW Mop for a sparkling clean! Lightweight and easy to use, it’s perfect for a quick deep clean of your floors – plus it can be fun for your little ones to use if you want to get them in on the cleaning action!


With all the friends and family coming and going, the bathrooms are in desperate need of some love. Use our handy bathroom cleaning guide to get the job done – bonus marks if you give the toilet a deep clean too!
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Your Ultimate Guide to a Clean Toilet

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The toilet is one of the most-used seats in your home and – no surprise, here – one of the ickiest! But rest assured it doesn’t take tons of time of loads of elbow grease to get that porcelain throne sparkling clean. Here’s your no-fail, no-germ-left-behind guide to get the job done!

Get Your Supplies

This is not a job where you want to stop mid-task to get some extra paper towel. Instead, have all your tools within arm’s reach.
Nellie's All-Purpose Spray
Paper towels
A sturdy pair of cleaning gloves
Nellie’s Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Tiff-bristle toilet brush

Make the Outside Sparkle

When cleaning the commode, most people tend to focus on the bowl’s interior, but every inch of the toilet deserves attention. Use the All Purpose Cleaner and liberally spray the entire exterior, including hard-to-reach areas like the base and underside of the seat. Also be sure to spritz the walls behind and beside the toilet.
Major key – let the cleaner sit for at least five minutes. Give it time to do its thing, and then wipe away While you wait, move on to cleaning the interior.

Clean the Inside

With the Nellie’s Toilet Cleaner, apply the cleaner around the interior of the bowl, up against the rim. Allow it to set for a few minutes, and then scrub with a toilet brush and flush to rinse. And just like that, your toilet is fresh and clean, and all without harsh chemicals, phosphates, dyes, perfumes, and SLS and SLES.
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5 Easy Steps to a Nicer, Happier Room

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Even on the longest, worst days, every one of us can take five minutes to make a room look a bit better (and hopefully, as a result, feel much better too). Whether you’ve got guests coming over and forgot to clean, or you just want a nicer looking space, you can make a major impact in just five minutes! Here are five things you can do quickly to make a big change.

Let in more light during the day or dim the lights at night

Is it daytime? Throw open every curtain, roll up every blind and try to get as much natural light into your home as physically possible. Though that might seem to shed more light on a less-than-clean home, when you've got great natural light flooding in through windows, everything just seems nicer. Have a few more minutes? Give your windows a quick swipe to let even more light in. Is it nighttime? Do the opposite. Turn off overhead lights and focus a room into dimly lit pools of warm glow from lamps and candles.

Break decluttering rules

We often argue against things like junk drawers and overflowing baskets, but when you've only got five minutes, ignore all those rules and start tossing clutter into hidden spots as quickly as you can. But only if you promise yourself to declutter those areas when you've got more than five minutes to spare.

Straighten things

I don't know what I do in my home that makes every chair, book and table askew all the time, but just the simple act of aligning things back to where they belong can bring order and pleasantness to a room. So readjust any ottomans that aren't where they go. Realign any tables (especially that coffee table) that have been nudged out of a place. Adjust a stack of books or magazines. Even straighten any crooked art pieces. It's not about trying to always live in a state of perpetual perfection — these little straightening movements are just easy things to do to create a pleasant effect on the overall feel and look of the room.

Pick up or dust visible dirty spots

It might be the coffee table, it might be that rug made of a material that is like a dust bunny magnet — use whatever tools you have at hand (even if it's just your hands) to quickly remove the largest and most visible spots of dirty. Stray pieces of paper or trash that have fallen on the floor. A quick swipe of a table top that catches the light with the All-Purpose Cleaner, or a quick swish on the dusty floor with the WOW Mop. Yes, a full cleaning would of course make the entire room look great, but the 5-minute refresh is about keeping up the look of a clean home in between regular cleanings, and doing it quickly so you can get back to enjoying your beautiful home.

Spritz a good smell

Wait a minute, this post title says "look" nicer. Well surprise! Our noses are tied to our eyes in such a way that a room that smells nice and fresh will magically look a bit cleaner and fresher to us. It's a powerful illusion, and the Wrinkle-B-Gone works as a perfect refresher for couches, pillows, and linens! Just spritz, smooth, and inhale a deliciously fresh lemongrass scent.
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