Life Hacks, Tips, Tricks... Just For You.

6 Places You're Forgetting to Clean Before Holiday Guests Arrive
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The holidays are fast approaching, and with them come the inevitable wave of guests- friends, family, and maybe even a surprise visitor or two. While we all hustle to clean the usual suspects- vacuuming the living room and wiping down the counters- it's easy to forget the small details that leave a big impression. Don't worry, we've got you covered! Here are six overlooked spots you should tackle before your holiday guests ring the doorbell.
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The Nellie's Ninety-Nine
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Using the power of electrolyzed water, Nellie’s Ninety-Nine converts table salt and water into a powerful, planet-friendly deodorizer that kills 99.9% of the “bad stuff” that causes nasty odours.
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Nellie's Dishwasher Powder
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When we load our dishwashers, we expect a lot from the machines and dishwashing agents we choose. We want our dishes to be clean, spotless and prevent limescale. To get the result we desire, we invest in dishwasher liquids, powders, tabs, and rinse aids, all promising the best results.
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Earth Month With Nellie's
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Happy Earth Month! As a company, Nellie’s strives to make planet friendly, simple, and honest products for your whole home!
This Earth Month (and always) our commitment to you is to stay true to the following guidelines when developing new products.
Dryerballs – How the Nellie’s Brand came to be!
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Our Founder James, (Nellie’s son) has fond memories of his household being zero waste and planet friendly. Nellie was going green long before it was “cool”! He remembers removing labels from cans for recycling, re-using household goods and cleaning with homemade solutions. Nellie was a minimalist and bought only what was needed. She bought quality goods, meant to last.
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